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How to increase the traffic on your blog?

Before we are talk about increasing the traffic on your blog first you have to start the blog. And already who have started, for them this blog is going to be like a powerful tool. So, are you here to get some tips to boost up traffic on your website? of course yes. That's why you landed here. Well, In this blog post I will be discussing some of my experiences which will help you to boost up your blog traffic. Let's begin. Tip: 1 Move from bloggers to wordpress Yes, My first advice to you is, if you are blogging on blogspot and you are serious about bloggin then move from blogspot to wordpress. Let me tell you why? is a secondary domain of blogger it's not a primary. And according to google algorithm secondary domains are not getting that priority what primary domains has. So buy your own personal and primary domain like .com, .in etc. Wordpress will help you in a different way to boost up your traffic. Wordpress provide lots of plugin which

Why to blogging | Benefits of bloggin

Blogging is a way of sharing your passion through digital medium with the world.

This is the digital world where maximum of people are using smartphones and internet. They are hungry for knowledge and information and they searching on different search engine like google, yahoo etc.

Bloggers are the passionate peoples in their field and they are sharing knowledge and experiences with those hungry people of knowledge.

Why we should start blogging?

When we are sharing something with someone we get as deeper and deeper into that topic.

So if you want to be a player in your field, start blogging, learn new thing and share it on your blog.

This is the first reason why you should start a blog.

Have you ever notice when someone appreciate you how do you feel at that time?
Of course you noticed that’s amazing.

This is the second reason when somebody will get your blog helpful they will appreciate you daily and you will feel every day that love.

But remember one thing start blogging only if you are interested in it because if you are not interested in it you will quite after sometime.

Don’t start a blog for making money.

Before starting a blog your mindset should be only sharing knowledge and help peoples not for making money.

Surely you will get lots money which you have never imagined and it will happen only if you have mindset of not making money from blogging.

Until you do not get a good audience do not add anything on your blog.

Once you get the enough audience with whom you can share your ideas reviews about something now you can make money from your blog.

What if you are starting a blog for making money?

When you will have money making kind of mentality from beginning of your blog, psychologically then you will think making money as quick as you can and if you will not be earning money you will quit.

In short, start blogging only to share your passion and helping people and not for making money.

Benefits of blogging

There is many benefits you can get by doing blogging. These are the some of them-
·        Sharing knowledge and helping and getting appreciation from them.

·        When you will start writing, you will be researching and as much as you will be researching you will get deep and deep into that. This will help you to get more knowledge and information about your field.

·        Your writing skill get improved.

·        You will get new idea each day.

·        There is lot more other thing which you learn from blogging.


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How to increase the traffic on your blog?

Before we are talk about increasing the traffic on your blog first you have to start the blog. And already who have started, for them this blog is going to be like a powerful tool. So, are you here to get some tips to boost up traffic on your website? of course yes. That's why you landed here. Well, In this blog post I will be discussing some of my experiences which will help you to boost up your blog traffic. Let's begin. Tip: 1 Move from bloggers to wordpress Yes, My first advice to you is, if you are blogging on blogspot and you are serious about bloggin then move from blogspot to wordpress. Let me tell you why? is a secondary domain of blogger it's not a primary. And according to google algorithm secondary domains are not getting that priority what primary domains has. So buy your own personal and primary domain like .com, .in etc. Wordpress will help you in a different way to boost up your traffic. Wordpress provide lots of plugin which